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reference bookの例文


  • oh i see , i borrowed a reference book for mathematics
    ああ なるほど だから数学の参考書を借りたんだ
  • i even bought a reference book on being a good manager !
    マネージャーやるにあたって 参考書 買ってきたの!
  • " ningen rinju zukan (a reference book of people ' s death )"
  • orimura , did you read the reference book before entering this school ?
    織斑 入学前の参考書は読んだか?
  • i came to buy reference book in a panic as the exam got close .
    試験が近くなって 慌てて参考書 買いに来たのよ。
  • this was a picture book that was an illustrated reference book of yokai .
  • and because i've decided to become a manager , i've bought a reference book !
    マネージャーやるにあたって 参考書 買ってきたの!
  • it's a reference book ?
  • the kanshoku hisho is the oldest reference book on government posts in existence .
  • it issues its special utaibon called ' the reference book of noh chants ' (nohgakushorin ).
  • reference book: “local area commons: for a new way of living ,” by kozo hiratake (2002 )
    参考図書:『コモンズとしての地域空間-新たな住まい方をめざして』平竹耕三著 2002年
  • he published ' added notes on poetry rules ' and ' summary on poetry laws ' by jobunhitsu as the reference book for his disciples .
  • also , ' a book of fish prints ' was published that introduces fish prints of taiyaki baked using a single mold pan (as a reference book ).
  • kokushitaikei shomoku gedai (annotated bibliography of source materials for zoku kokushi taikei ) by the historian taro sakamoto is a reference book .
    参考書籍としては、坂本太郎 (歴史学者)著の「国史大系書目解題」がある。
  • however , it must be taken into account that there were no such broiled eel rice in lacquered boxes when this reference book was compiled .
  • the kanshoku hisho was a reference book concerning the yusoku kojitsu (court and samurai rules of ceremony and etiquette ) written by taira no motochika in 1200 in the early kamakura period .
  • kageyushi ' s inspection was called kanpan at the time , and its record (kageyushi-kanpanjo ) was compiled in " seiji yoryaku " (examples of the politics in the heian period ), a reference book for politics .
  • the latter learned western studies by associating with scholars of western studies like gentaku otsuki , and left many valuable books , such as the introduction of " rangaku-kaitei " (a guide to foreign languages ), " taisei-yochizusetsu " (a foreign topography ), and " kokon-senka-kagami " (a reference book of coins ).